Sunday, November 25, 2007

In Bruce Lee's Shadow

I read the article on Asian-American stereotypes and I agree with the thoughts of the writer. Once I read about the Asian actors and remembered their roles, I definitely saw the stereotypes that the culture goes through. The Asian male is pretty much limited to the fighting, martial arts roles. The men are known as lethal, cool and graceful. You can always expect for them to win the fight and have some elaborate scene showing off their skills. Sad, but true. They never play the romantics although they have come close. In one of my favorite movies Romeo Must Die, Jet Li comes to Aaliyah's rescue and you can tell they like each other but nothing ever happens. He is like her knight in shining armor, but no kissing scenes occur or anything. Rush Hour 2 also shows the Asian actor interested in women but never gets one.
The Asian women also get limited roles of house servants, or sidekicks to the main actor. Even the more Hollywood Asian actresses still play in fighting roles, like the Asian girl in Charlie's Angels, she is still seen as a fighter and fierce. She, unlike other actresses, gets many good roles thought.
I definitely see how Hollywood roles in the past have cursed Asian movie opportunities.

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